Unmarried Parents
Across the United States, almost 40% of children are born to unmarried parents.
Unmarried parents face obstacles that married couples do not. Besides the fear and uncertainty, unmarried parents have to worry about establishing a workable visitation schedule, making realistic plans for the child’s education and religious upbringing, and detailing expectations for child support. These issues must be worked out with an eye toward the long-term sustainability of an all-but-impossible to know future.
What would you like to learn about?
Establishing Paternity
The first step to establish a relationship with your child.
Establishing “paternity” is the process of going to court to begin the legal relationship between a father and his child. Legally, paternity can only be established between unmarried parents since any child born during a marriage is presumed to be the husband’s child.
It's usually the first step when:
Securing Child Support
Securing Visitation with Your Child
Securing Custody Rights
The Father & Child Relationship
We, as a society, have a vested interest in helping to establish the father-child relationship because a strong fatherly influence aids in the emotional, spiritual, and financial well being of the child.
When your child’s future is on the line you should contact an attorney who will help you create the types of relationships you want and deserve. Establishing paternity is usually the first step in what can be very complicated custody, visitation and child support proceedings. A good attorney can help you with issues such as birth expenses, dependency tax exemptions, the child’s name, health insurance, and the complexities of visitation. Often, the presence of an attorney will give you the power and perspective to negotiate a lasting security for all parties.
Child Support
Establishing the Financial Support to Raise a Child
Determining Child Support
It is my job to advise you about how to determine your income and to assure that your ex-spouse is revealing all of the sources of their income.
Child Support Payments
Ohio’s Child Support Default Payment Rate is 70 Percent. The Child Support Enforcement Agency can help you receive your payments.
Need an increase or decrease in child support? Think Deviation
Do you think your child support obligation should be less than the child support guideline amount, or do you believe the child support you are receiving isn’t high enough in your case? You may ask the court to consider a deviation from the guidelines. Read the Guidelines.
We Plan Ahead So You Obtain a Fair Settlement.
Child Custody & Visitation
Going through a custody battle is a traumatic and heart-wrenching process. You must choose an attorney with whom you are completely comfortable.
Often, you will have to choose the better of two bad options and the only input you will have will be the experience and judgment of your counsel.
The Child Custody Process in Ohio
Allocations of parental rights and responsibilities formerly referred to as “custody” are made where there are minor children that are not the subject of another court’s orders.
Ohio Revised Code 3109.04 is the primary statute controlling custody determinations. Assuming that you are engaged in a custody dispute, the court may order an investigation to determine the character, familial relations, financial situation, earning potential, past conduct and allegations of abuse or neglect. If it feels that it would be appropriate, or upon motion of either attorney, the court may order either or both parties and any minor children to participate in a medical, psychological or psychiatric examination.
There for you through the entire process.
I gives free consultations, guides you through your decisions, and I'm available for continued support after the divorce is over.