Be Careful Letting Loose

Be Mindful of Behavior During Celebrations & Holidays.

I see too many cases where nerves are frayed due to a parents failure to follow their Ohio parenting time order during the holidays. Be aware that your soon to be ex-spouse is experiencing the same doubts, fears and concerns about what will happen to their relationship with their child as you are. I encourage you to use holiday exchanges to foster a spirit of cooperation that will help you and your child navigate the turbulent times.

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Be Prepared to Explain Your Behavior in Court.

Be Careful When Holidays Fall on Your Scheduled Parenting Time.

When you are recently separated, divorced, or involved in another legal issue such as child custody or support, special occasions, holidays, and celebrations also bring the opportunity to harm your legal interests.  Too much partying can lead to poor decision making, which can lead to a bad outcome in your case.

If you are fighting for more visitation time with your children, or child support, be prepared to explain yourself in court.  If a holiday or celebration falls on your day of parenting time, be prepared to explain to the court why going out to celebrate with your friends is more important than spending that time with your children.  Whatever your reason, the court will not agree with you. If you are asking for a reduction in your child support because of an undue hardship, be prepared to explain to the court why you do not have enough money to maintain your child support, but you have money to go out having fun.

If you are fighting for custody, be prepared to explain any photos taken of you and posted on social media. Remember “a picture is worth a thousand words”; no matter how innocent or normal you may believe your behavior is, such as chugging beers, that picture in court will make you look careless or like a drunk.

Holiday Fun - Don't Break the Law!

If you do go out celebrating for a holiday or special occasion, do not break the law. If you get in a fight, or arrested for possession of an illegal substance, it may all be brought against you in your legal case. In a custody or visitation case, the court always looks at the best interest of the child.  The court views the best interest of the child as a safe, loving, and stable environment.  Think about how your actions will affect your children and the outcome of your case.

Arrested for DUI?

If you are arrested for driving under the influence, the court may restrict your ability to transport your children.  A DUI charge may also affect your ability to drive to and from work, affecting your ability to pay child support and legal fees.  If you arrested for DUI, contact an experienced DUI attorney, Charlie Rowland.  Check out his website throughout for notification of local DUI checkpoints.

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